Contemporary and Trible Art

Contemporary and Trible Art

In keeping with its intention to engender a dialogue between the traditional and the contemporary in an environment that is responsive to issues related to transportation, the museum seeks to have a significant representation of works by contemporary artists inspired by modes of transportation.

The museum encourages contemporary artists to propose works which allow a diverse audience to engage with the artistic representations so as to understand the continued significance of transportation in our everyday lives in an imaginative and experiential manner.

Contemporary artworks, by renowned artists, such as Baptist Coelho, G.R., Iranna, Pooja Iranna, Ranbir Kaleka, Hanif Kureshi, T.V. Santhosh, Gigi Scaria, and Nataraj Sharma amongst others, are interspersed amongst historical objects in various galleries around the museum. Each work is contextualised vis-a-vis the historical, scientific, cultural, or social context of transportation systems in contemporary society. The eminent artist, Atul Bhalla, has created a site-specific work especially for the museum inspired by transportation traditionally used on inland waterways.

While contemporary art works are included in various galleries across the museum, there is also a designated gallery space for contemporary art, which will host thematic exhibitions throughout the year.